Planning Blog

My group is doing an Arizona Ice Tea commercial. The setting of the commercial will be a backyard and a pool. For a pool we will be wearing our swim trunks and sunglasses. The props used will need to be pool appropriate so we will be using ice, a cooler, Arizona ice teas, pool floaties, etc. The commercial will include one of us laying on a tanning bed with sunglasses on a shiny day. And another would be on a pool floaty enjoying the sun. than the one on the tanning bed will say "man its scorching hot out". Than the next clip will be someone grabbing inside the cooler full of Arizona ice teas and ice and throw it over to the person laying on the tanning bed. The catch will be aesthetically pleasing to the hum an eye and will fall into frame perfectly. There will be a crisp crack and a beautiful sip. And than his eyes will expand in an animation affect. He will than say "wow, this is truly refreshing". And there will be a zoom out and some tropical music with the slogan we created "affordable and refreshing". There will be a variety of shots being taken throughout this commercial. The flavor will be related to a tropical theme to fit the commercial. The theme of this commercial will be a tropical theme to fit the hot sunny day and cool waters. The music used throughout the commercial will not be copyrighted. There will be diegetic and non-diegetic sounds used for things such as the crack of the can and the music in the zoom out. The commercial will make sure that every actor has a role and plays an important role into the commercial. We will all get a chance to act, film, and edit the commercial. The way we finish this project will be split into different parts to make sure everyone was involved and contribute to the commercial.


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