Production Blog last one

 Continuing from my last blog, my group has been unable to film. This is for a multitude of reasons. Jason was sick last week. He has also had to go to the gym multiple days this week. Sam had family problems which took up most of his days. This made it impossible to film with both of them. Also, Jhon had soccer practices and games. These made him unavailable as well. Lastly, I was unable to film due to time being spent with family or at work. This week I have been busy Christmas shopping and decorating my Christmas tree with my family. I have also had work multiple days this week. This took up the entirety of my week and made me unavailable as well. At first, we planned to only film on Saturday. We planned to drive to different places throughout the day to finish our film. Today however, we theorized filming after school. Jason, Sam and I planned to get off of our bus at the same stop and film together to make some progress before Saturday. However, we scrapped this plan last minute and decided that we would film everything on Saturday. Now tomorrow we will meet at Jason's house. He will give us a ride to all the places we need to go to to film. We will completely finish filming tomorrow and edit Saturday night and Sunday. 


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