Production Blog

 So far, my group and I have not been able to film. This is for a multitude of reasons. First, Jason got sick. We are not sure what he was sick with but unfortunately, he was unable to help us. Also, Jason went out of town on December 9th and got back on the 11th at night. This made it completely impossible to film with Jason. Also, Sam had family business to deal with. He did not disclose what exactly was going on. We wished him good luck and gave him his privacy. This also made it impossible to film with Sam. Jhon was busy watching the World Cup. Jhon watched all of the games that have been played so far. This took up the majority of his days. This also made it impossible to meet with Jhon. This left only me to film. However, I was working at my job at the same time. I was too busy with work and school to film on my own. This left no one in our group able to film the music video. We look forward to filming with all of us together. We hope that we will be able to finish filming relatively quickly while maintaining quality.


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