Movie Conventions Research: I Am Legend

 One of the thriller movies we decided to watch was “I am Legend”. We decided to watch this one as it is interesting and can help us brainstorm ideas for an opening scene. We recently decided that our opening scene genre would be thriller. The elements of suspension and engagement that this movie brings will be a great way for us to brainstorm ideas for our own opening scene. We all really liked how the movie was very suspenseful and off putting. We never knew what to expect next with each scene. The element of surprise was a big takeaway for us in this movie. However we did not like the way the movie would be a little off putting. There were a lot of scenes to just fluff up the movie and add minutes to it. When watching a movie having the audience engaged 80% of the time is a major key point. I find it very important to make sure the audience is constantly engaged with the movie at all times. For this reason we found that a bit off putting for the movie. We felt as if certain scenes were not necessary to the plot of the movie. There were instances where we thought a certain scene would lead to a different ending but that certain scene ended up doing nothing for the movie. Overall it was a great movie. It was very nice and entertaining to watch. For all of its flaws there was always a good to cover it up. This movie taught us a lot for the thriller genre. We definitely plan on using some of the techniques for our own opening scene.


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