Pitch Blog- Best Idea Ever!!

First Pitch: A young couple is walking through a park when mysteriously a tattered suitcase falls from one of the many trees. What’s inside changes their lives!

Second Pitch: Most football fans understand the importance of the final seconds of a game, but few know the same pressure that Cristiano felt during this match.

First Pitch Discussion: We would not be able to film this pitch due to the props and shots needed. We do not have a suitcase and if we do decide to purchase one we would not be able to tatter it up because of the money spent towards it. The shots needed for this pitch would not make a good opening scene. There is just not enough content available to be shown for each role. We would need a deeper and more inclined opening scene than a casual walk in the park. Overall we would not be able to film this pitch due to us being unable to gather the proper materials and shots for the opening scene.

Second Pitch Discussion: We will be able to film this pitch for a multitude of reasons. First, we all share a passion for the sport called Football. Since we all love this sport, filming a video for it will be fun for us. This will increase the quality of our work. Also, we are easily able to film this pitch because we already have all the props we need. These include football cleats, a football, and a camera. Also, we have enough actors to film it and we have a field very close to all of us. This makes this pitch perfect for us to film.

Decision: Our group decided to go with the following pitch, "Most football fans understand the importance of the final seconds of a game, but few know the same pressure that Cristiano felt during this match." We came to this decision because we realized that we would be unable to film the first pitch, while the second pitch would be very convenient for us to film. Due to our passion for the topic, filming the Football pitch will work out perfectly.


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