Production Blog

 Unfortunately, we were unable to film once again. I feel quite guilty. However, I don't believe it is entirely my fault. I think my teammates should also feel guilty that we didn't film. To start, this weekend I was completely busy. This included Friday after school. Our plan was to film on Friday after school at Holiday Park. However, this obviously did not happen. For me, it was my sister's birthday so I had to go to a dinner with her and my family. We then went home to celebrate even more. That cut me off completely for that night. Also, Sam and Jason ended up not going. Jhon also had work. That left the weekend. Unfortunately, it wasn't any more convenient. On Saturday, I had a pool party at my house. Since both my sisters are in town, we had to hang out. We decided to have a pool party at our house. After that, I had chores to do so I could not film. This left Sunday. However, my family and I were boating all day on Sunday. I was exhausted and drained by the sun so I could not film after we got back. This is why we have not filmed yet. We plan to film this upcoming Friday and we will stick to that.


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