Production Blog

 Hello again. I may have to be the bearer of bad new today. Unfortunately, once again, we did not film. I feel extremely guilty but I do not feel regretful. This is because I spent my spring break having fun and relaxing in Key Largo. My groupmates also spent their breaks doing their hobbies. For example, Jhon hung out with friends over break. He went to the mall and even hung out with me at the beach. Jason was also busy. He went to the gym multiple times and hung out with friends. He also practiced driving with his new permit. Lastly, Sam hung out with friends as well. He even got the opportunity to go boating and tubing. In the Keys, I also went boating. I was fishing for hours, but did not get a single bite. While this was unfortunate, I still had fun. While we were not able to film so far, we plan to in the near future. With our upcoming deadline, we are motivated to work hard and efficiently to film as soon as possible. With this newfound motivation, I am confident we will succeed. My partners and I will not give up until we finish. This will create a wonderful film for our viewers.


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