Group Blog

     My group includes myself (Zeyn El-Ali), Jason Alexandrescu, and Zane Royer. We chose to be in each other's groups for multiple reasons. We are very close friends. Jason and I were in a group last year and have decided to continue working together this year. Our groupmates, Jhon and Sam both switched schools so we cannot work with them any longer. However, this year we have became close with Zane. We only just got to know each other this year and we already have great chemistry. We relate on lots of things such as our hobbies such as the gym and art. We all like to workout and listen to similar music. We hang out with each other consistently and frequently. We know each other's families and have good relationships with them. We all have very good chemistry with each other and can always have fun while working efficiently. I believe that this can be applied to our films in this class. Each of us have good skills which can help us in the class. We can all express different emotions on our faces to convey a certain mood. Also, we have all seen lots of movies. This helps as we know what good cinematography looks like. Each of us also have a good sense of humor. This can be applied to our filming in this class. Each of our houses can make for interesting scenes in our film too. Together, our combined skills can make for an amazing film. Overall, this is why we decided to come together and form our group.


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