
Showing posts from March, 2024

Short Film Package: Suspicion

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Production Blog

 We are almost done with our film and project. We each have different roles. Some roles are harder than others. I am making our website. Jason is making our postcard. Zane is editing our film. Elena does not really have a duty right now however. I am creating our website through Wix. It has been going great. I really enjoy working on it. I get to use my creativity to express myself. I am almost done with it fortunately. It has been a lot of work, though. Zane has been working hard as well. He even plans to spend all day on editing some time this week. Jason showed me his work so far. I am really proud of him. The postcard looks exactly as it sounds, suspicious. Overall, we are doing great and will be completely done with our film soon. We are extremely proud of our work. 

Production Blog

 We finished filming our film. It did take us a while to figure out a meeting time but we did get to it. This time, filming was easier and much quicker. I was not even an actor in this part of filming so it was especially easy. All we had to do was record a few shots. Again, we met at Zane’s house. I got there first, then Elena, then Jason. We began by getting Jason and Zane in costume. They also got themselves into character. Filming this part was very climactic as it was the second half of the film. As we all know there is almost always a twist towards the end of a great film. We arrived in the afternoon and finished a few hours later. Not bad at all. Although I wish it could have gone by faster we made good time. I even found myself having fun. With our group, after all, it’s hard not to. We filmed the remaining shots. Afterwards, we felt good about our film. We knew we had something great. We all went home and prepared to edit and finish our project and film.